Ab Slings Benefits – Develop Your Core and Stay Injury-Free

an athlete using ab slings to do hanging leg raises
Let’s talk about the Ab Sling and how you can reap the most Ab Sling benefits if you implement it into your training routine.

If we’re to talk about hanging core training, we must talk about the Ab Slings benefits.

Also known as ab straps, the ab slings are an exercise tool that alleviates the pressure from your wrists while you hang. Instead of thinking about your grip, it allows you to focus on your core muscles only while you train.

What other exercises are there, and what kind of ab slings benefits can you get when you start using them? Let’s dig in. 

Table of Contents

What are Ab Slings and how do they work?

Simply put, ab slings are a two-part system that lets you hang from a pull-up bar without relying on hand grip strength

Essentially, you tuck your elbows into each of the slings instead of gripping the bar and hanging straight down. Hanging exercises are a daunting task, and it’s no secret that the grip is the first to give out. This is where the ab slings sling in – you get to focus on the mind-muscle connection and really target your core. 

How To Use the Ab Slings?

  • Stand under the bar and use the two carabiners to attach the slings
  • Align them and make sure that the straps are hanging evenly and shoulder-width apart
  • Get a box underneath and get on it 
  • Slide your arms through the slings one at a time 
  • You can also pull yourself into the sling (without the box) but don’t try that until you are experienced enough
  • You’re all set once both your arms are through the ab straps
a close-up of an athlete using the ab straps at the gym for most ab slings benefits

Ab Slings Benefits

When it comes to ab slings benefits, the biggest one is the freedom to focus on your core instead of your grip. Simple as that. 

By having this freedom, you can plan more intense hanging core sessions. As we know, core muscles recover pretty fast. The Ab Slings allow you to program in more core hypertrophy in your training plans. 

On top of that, you can take the ab slings wherever you want. The compact design (heavy-duty nylon) lets you take the ab slings along and train wherever you can find a sturdy pull-up bar.  

To summarize the Ab Sling benefits:

  • Efficient way to train the abdominal muscles (including obliques)
  • Less strain on your wrists during hanging ab exercises
  • A better way to focus on the mind-muscle connection
  • Decrease in shoulder and elbow fatigue, emphasizing the work on the abdominals
  • An excellent method for hip flexor rises

Are Ab Slings beginner-friendly?

Yes, they are!

Beginners are usually locked out of a lot of hanging core exercises (like toes to bar) due to an initial lack of grip strength. With the Ab Slings, beginners don’t have to worry about that. Instead, they can focus on training their core directly.

Ab Sling Benefits - The Conclusion

As you can see, the Ab Sling benefits don’t stop just at spearing your grip. You get to do all sorts of hanging exercises without thinking about wrist, shoulder, or back fatigue. On top of that, you can carry the ab slings wherever you go, making it ideal for both indoor and outdoor training. As long as you find a sturdy pull-up bar. 

So don’t wait – level up your hanging core training ASAP!

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