How Do Ab Sling Straps Work? Let’s Talk Core Strength

hybrid athlete using the ab strap outside
Give your abs (hips and back too) the love they deserve - let’s talk about the Ab Strap Sling.

A strong, developed core is the foundation of efficient movement. 

Ask any athlete, from runners to weightlifters, and they will tell you never to miss out on core work. 

Hanging core exercises are one of the most effective among thousands you can find online. But, no matter how useful hanging can be, it can be taxing on your arm joints. That’s where the ab strap comes into play – core training without the shortcomings that come with hanging.

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A Quick Glance At Core Training

Up until very recently, core exercises revolved around copious amounts of sit-ups and crunches. As it turns out, all that repetitive motion against your back on the ground can do more harm than good

On top of that, our bodies quickly adapt to the stress that comes from core exercise, which means soon enough you’d have to do insane numbers to reach valuable results. And, as an athlete who values efficiency and health, you should always opt for a safer form of exercise.  

So, the best course of action for people who want a strong core (besides compound exercises) is to start doing hanging core workouts. This is where ab straps come into play.

hybrid athlete using the ab strap outside

Ab Straps Benefits

The Hybrid Athlete Ab Straps (aka Ab Sling) is a piece of equipment that allows you to train your core without the unnecessary strain on your arms, back, and shoulders. This goes double if you already have pullups in your routine. 

The benefits of the Ab Strap can be summarized into:

  • Efficient way to train the abdominal muscles (including obliques)
  • Less strain on your wrists during hanging ab exercises
  • A better way to focus on the mind-muscle connection
  • Decrease in shoulder and elbow fatigue, emphasizing the work on the abdominals
  • An excellent method for hip flexor rises

An added benefit is the overall comfort while performing otherwise uncomfortable hanging exercises.

How To Use The Ab Strap?

Setting up and using the ab strap is as easy as setting up a band for assisted pull-ups, if not easier. Here’s how to set up the ab strap slings:

  • Stand under the bar and use the two carabiners to attach the slings
  • Align them and make sure that the straps are hanging evenly and shoulder-width apart
  • Get a box underneath and get on it 
  • Slide your arms through the slings one at a time 
    • You can also pull yourself into the sling (without the box) but don’t try that until you are experienced enough
  • You’re all set once both your arms are through the ab straps

Now, the best way to talk about how to use the ab strap is through ab strap exercises. Let’s talk about the classics. 

*Quick tip – to get the best out of the ab straps, you should always avoid swinging during the movement you’re performing. Swinging means lack of control, and core work is all about controlled movement.

3 Ab Strap Exercises You Can Do With The Hybrid Athlete Ab Strap

1. Knee Tuck

The knee tuck is something anyone should be able to do with the ab straps. It’s fairly easy, and you can start ramping up reps quite quickly. 

Here’s how to do ab strap knee tucks:

  • Mount yourself into the ab straps and let your body hang from them naturally 
  • By engaging your core and bending your knees, try bringing your knees to your chest
  • Hold for a few seconds and lower your legs slowly (don’t just let them drop)
  • Repeat

2. Straight Leg / Toes to Bar (Hip Flexor Raises)

Yes, ab straps, despite the name, can be used for hip flexor exercises. 

Here’s how to do ab strap hip flexor raises (it’s similar to knee tucks): 

  • Mount yourself into the ab straps and let your body hang from them naturally
  • Engage your lower body and straighten your legs at the knees
  • By activating your hip, without bending at the knee, bring your legs up
  • At the ROM point hold for a moment and lower your legs back down slowly
  • Repeat

3. Oblique Twists

To hit your obliques with the ab straps, you will have to engage your core in another dimension. Think of it as knee tucks with a twist (yes, that was a pun). 

Here’s how to do ab strap oblique twists: 

  • Mount yourself into the ab straps and let your body hang from them naturally
  • Bend your legs at the knees and bring them up to the side while rotating at the hips 
  • Release and bring your legs down slowly
  • Repeat for the other side

How Often Can I Use The Ab Sling?

Thanks to the abdominal muscle’s quick-recovering nature, you can use the ab strap any time you feel like it. You can program it into every session that requires hanging core (or hip flexor) work. 

Remember, this piece of exercise equipment isn’t there to replace your grip. Active and passive hangs are still important (as well as pull-ups, toes-to-bar, etc.)

Is The Ab Strap Worth It?

If you’re an athlete who likes to train for performance and longevity, the answer is – yes, the ab strap is worth it. Think about it – the uncomfortable side of hanging ab exercises was always grip and shoulders first, and they are not even the target of the exercise.

There’s no need to overtrain your wrists and shoulders, which are already quite sensitive and prone to injuries as it is. 

Ab Strap - A Scientific Approach To Core Training

It’s time we all said goodbye to the million sit-up abdominal workout approach. The Ab Strap will help you train your core with minimal risk of fatigue or injury. And the best thing is – it works anywhere, as long as you have a stable pull-up bar.

So the question is not whether the ab strap is worth it, but whether you want to start training your core the right way and give your body the foundation it deserves.

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