Nordic Curl Strap Exercises You Can Do At Home (Or Anywhere TBH)

an athlete using the nordic hamstring curl strap
Check out these Nordic curl strap exercises that can help you unlock the true potential of your posterior chain.

The Nordic curl is one of those “looks easy, but it really isn’t” exercises. 

Of course, you can build your way up with the Hybrid Athlete Nordic Curl Strap, but ham curls are not the only exercise you can do with it. 

The Nordic curl strap has a lot more to offer since it does help you lock in your legs. 

So, let’s talk about it!

Table of Contents

How to Use the Hybrid Athlete Nordic Curl Strap?

One of the biggest things about the Nordic curl strap is that it can be used at home. All you need is a functioning door to lock it in and you’re good to go. We’ve talked about it in our Nordic vs. Reverse Nordic guide, but it’s never a bad thing to have a quick how-to. 

To set up the Hybrid Athlete Nordic Strap, all you have to do is follow these simple 6 steps:

  1. Adjust the strap to your foot length 
  2. Slide the strap under the door
  3. Close the door

That’s all to it – now you’re ready to work out. 

Now, let’s see where we go from here, and what Nordic curl strap exercises you can do with the Hybrid Athlete strap. 

Nordic Curl Strap Exercises

1. The Nordic Ham Curl

To kick it off with the obvious choice, we need to mention the Nordic ham curl. Often thought of as a rite of passage exercise by all sorts of different athletes, this exercise is not that easy to master. If you want to prepare yourself, we recommend you start with the Sissy squat. It will prepare your knees and upper legs for the initial stress of practicing Nordic curls.  

To do a ham curl with the Hybrid Athlete Nordic curl strap, first, you need to make sure it is tightly secured (the 3 steps from above). After that, all you have to do is:

  • Pull your feet against the door (while on your knees)
  • Slide your feet under the Nordic curl strap 
  • Slowly descend into a hamstring curl

*Start with the negatives at first. Use the (FREE) floor mat to cushion your knees!

imageAn athlete doing a nordic curl as one of the prime nordic curl strap exercises

Nordic Ham Curl Benefits

  • Develops stronger hamstrings 
  • Enhances movement synchronization of the lower body 
  • Bulletproofs your posterior chain against injuries 
  • Helps you develop a strong core

2. Spanish Squat

The regular Spanish squat is done with a band around (behind) the knees. However, you can use the Nordic curl strap to lock in your legs at the ankles, and do an (arguably harder) Spanish squat. 

Keep in mind, this variation of Spanish squat does put some slight strain on the knees, so you will have to gauge your comfort before descending into full ROM. 

Spanish Squat Benefits

  • Trains your quads with little to no extra stress on your knees
  • Help you develop a better range of motion during other squat exercises
  • Great for work working on lower leg instabilities, especially around the knee
  • A good assistance exercise that helps with eliminating the but wink

3. Sit-ups and Crunches With the Nordic Curl Strap

If you have the option to lock in your feet firmly, the logical step is to try out various sit-ups. However, in this scenario, you need to turn toward the door to use the Nordic curl strap. 

The Nordic curl strap is essentially there to help you firmly stabilize your lower body (around the ankles) while doing sit-ups or crunches. Additionally, use the floor mat as cushioning under your glutes or lumbar spine (in the sit-up vs. crunch situation). 

Sit-up Benefits

The benefits of sit-ups are plenty, with the main ones including: 

  • Stronger core (anterior abdominal wall) 
  • Improved upper-to-lower body coordination 
  • Better balance and stability of the whole body 
  • Increased flexibility (thanks to the movement of the spine)

Keep in mind, sit-ups shouldn’t ever be the sole method of your core training! Too many reps can actually hurt your lumbar spine. So make sure to try other core-building exercises like toes to bar

4. Russian Twists

If you wish to tackle your abdominal obliques, it’s time to put a twist on the standard sit-up (pun intended). The Nordic curl strap is your ally when it comes to Russian twists (especially at home). 

Again, face the door and lock in your feet, while using the mat as cushioning under your behind. 

Russian Twists Benefits

  • Develops the obliques and the deep core muscles (transverse abdominals)
  • Helps you activate the hip flexors 
  • Engages your scapulae (shoulders) 
  • Great additional exercise for sports that require a lot of abdominal rotation 

Wrap Up

Who would have thought that a piece of training gear like the Nordic curl strap could offer something besides what’s in the name? 

Essentially, its purpose is to help you lock your feet in a secure position, so you can focus on the actual movements you’re executing. 

On top of that, the Hybrid Athlete Nordic curl strap can be used virtually anywhere. So, do not hesitate to get yours asap!

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