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Knees Over Toes Benefits For Hybrid Athletes

slant board squat for maximum knees over toes benefits
Lifting heavy, running marathons AND staying injury-free? Let’s talk about knees over toes benefits for hybrid athletes!

When it comes to knees over toes benefits for hybrid athletes, you are looking at the right place. Hybrid athletes aim for strength and endurance simultaneously, but above all – they strive for efficiency. 

But to be efficient as an athlete, you need to think about optimization of injury prevention and recovery. 

And that is why we are going to talk about the Knees Over Toes benefits that every hybrid athlete needs to have in mind. 

Let’s go!

Table of Contents

TL;DR - What is a Hybrid Athlete?

A hybrid athlete is someone who aims to train their body to be strong, durable, and bulletproof. 

There are three aspects (or as we call it – the three pillars) which every hybrid athlete relies on:

  1. Strength – the ability to lift heavy weight 
  2. Endurance – the ability to run marathons and OCR races
  3. Longevity, aka injury-prevention – to remain healthy while doing it

In other terms, it’s an athlete who uses a hybrid combination of lifting and running to build the body (and mind) in an optimal way. That is why the third pillar is so important – there’s no balancing between strength and endurance without accounting for fatigue, injuries, and recovery. 

Every bit of info in our library of knowledge ties to this aspect, so please feel free to browse.

What’s The Essence of Knees Over Toes Training?

Besides the obvious “knee going over the toe while squatting” rule, knees over toes (aka KOT) training is an exercise methodology. 

This methodology promotes strong and controlled movement through all plains of motion. It relies on the body’s natural tendency to utilize all muscles (especially in the lower leg) to move, both with and without extra weight. In other words, the body distributes the load or the strain across muscles and prevents the over-utilization of a limited group of muscles. 

That’s why you can see a lot of talk about the knees over toes benefits in various training disciplines. From powerlifters who often lack mobility to runners and basketball players who want to utilize their joints for maximum efficiency, KOT has a lot to offer to hybrid athletes as well.

KOT split squat training - the exercise with most knees over toes benefits

So, How Knees Over Toes Benefits Hybrid Athletes?

Knees over toes exercises involve a lot of multi-joint movement, some more impressive and demanding than others. KOT beginners might think that it’s all way too simple, but there’s no exercise more demanding than, let’s say, a Nordic hamstring curl or a KOT squat (done properly). 

So, here are the main benefit areas that KOT training brings to hybrid athletes:

Building Up Your Legs (Ankles, Knees, and Hips)

This aspect is closely related to strength and mobility (aka being strong in the stretched position). Your ankles, knees, and hips create a kinetic chain that, if not utilized correctly, can and will fail you in your hybrid athlete pursuit. 

Almost all knees over toes benefits come from utilizing your large muscle groups in sync, yes, but also the smaller, more intricate, stabilizer muscles. This ensures that your body is trained in a well-rounded manner without placing undue stress on a small group of muscles. 

Through exercises like the Nordic ham curl, sissy squat, or even pistol squats, you are bound to build stronger legs, and by extension, a stronger body. 

But, strength is just a part of it…

an athlete using the nordic hamstring curl strap

Preparing Your Body For The Long Haul

When it comes to knees over toes benefits for hybrid athletes, we need to talk about endurance, specifically – running

When we look at it from a biomechanical point of view, running causes repetitive stress to your lower body, especially to your feet, ankles, and of course – knees. That’s where KOT enters the scene. Whether we’re talking ankle strength and foot exercises, runners most certainly need to think about strengthening those deep muscles that get hurt.

Speaking of hurt…

Keeping Your Body Injury-free

Arguably, the most important of all knees over toes benefits for hybrid athletes is injury prevention

Just think about it – if you want to lift heavy and run ultra-long tracks, you will have to optimize your body to take all the hits and micro-fractions. KOT does just that by strengthening the muscles around your joints in the stretched position. 

KOT minimizes the risk of injury by optimizing the way your hips, knees, and ankles work together. 

Tib raises, step-ups, slant boards squats, you name it. All of these fall under the knees over toes method, and they protect from conditions like patellar or Achilles tendinitis.

Visual representation of Achilles tendinitis
Achilles tendinitis (source: Wikimedia)

Knees Over Toes Benefit Hybrid Athletes (and all Athletes, really)

As you can see, knees over toes benefits go beyond the needs of hybrid athletes. The truth is, KOT is for everyone. You don’t have to push your body to its limits like a hybrid athlete to reap all the good stuff. 

For some, it’s about avoiding shin splints, for others it’s less about niche issues and more about mobility and flexibility. All in all, the KOT methodology is there to help you build up, maintain, and protect your body while you’re training another discipline of choice. 

You don’t have to start with ATG split squats right away. Check out our Knees-Over-Toes guide and enhance your athletic journey today!

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