Nordic Curl Strap Benefits: Give Your Posterior Chain The Boost It Deserves

a close-up of an athlete using the nordic curl strap with the focus on the padded bar
Reap the Nordic Curl Strap benefits and bulletproof your knees, posterior chain, and lower back with this simple tool.

Getting to those Nordic Curl Strap benefits is a grind, there’s no two ways about it. Anyone who has ever attempted this exercise knows how difficult the Nordic curl can be. But, the benefits of it outweigh the hassle by quite a lot. 

With the Hybrid Athlete Nordic Curl Strap, you will surely get there faster, not only because it’s comfy to use, but because you can use it virtually everywhere. As long as there are doors around. 

Let’s talk about it.

Table of Contents

What is the Hybrid Athlete Nordic Curl Strap?

Our Noric Curl Strap is a piece of training equipment designed to hold your legs securely while you do the Nordic curl exercise. It consists of 3 main parts: 

  1. The padded bar which holds and locks your feet
  2. An anchor that locks the strap underneath a door or a Sweedish ladder
  3. A (FREE) knee mat to put under your knees for comfort while exercising 

Now, the best part about the Hybrid Athlete Nordic strap is that you don’t need a dedicated bench to use it. Any working door can serve this purpose. Above all, the Nordic strap is lightweight, so you can bring it wherever you’d like and use it whenever you find the time.

How do I use the Nordic Curl Strap?

Here’s how to set the strap so you can reap those Nordic curl strap benefits easily:

  1. Find a door that has clearance in front of it and open it slightly 
  2. Leading with the anchor, lodge the strap underneath the door and close it, leaving the anchor on the outside 
  3. On the inside, kneel with the bottom of your feet facing the door (use the provided knee mat to cushion your knees)
  4. Secure your feet underneath the padded bar 
  5. You’re ready to descend into a Nordic curl  

Even though the padded bar seems small and it doesn’t use any knots, don’t worry. It’s designed to use your body mass as leverage against the door, so you cannot slip out.

Nordic Curl Strap Benefits

The very first Nordic curl strap benefit is its portability and ease of use. You don’t need a bench, nor do you need anything to tie your feet to the ground. On top of that, you can carry it in your backpack or gym bag, as it takes virtually no space (except for the mat). 

With the Nordic strap, you can work on your hamstrings and practice this difficult movement, alongside some other exercises

And when it comes to the benefits of doing Nordic curl, even if you can do only half-reps, you can expect:

  • Enhanced injury prevention for your hamstrings, and by extension, your knees
  • Lower risk of lower back injuries 
  • More power and explosiveness during other exercises that utilize the posterior chain and the hip hinge
  • Core stability, especially in the lower abdomen

Can I use the Nordic Curl Strap for Other Exercises?

There are other exercises you can do with the Nordic curls strap besides Nordic curls. Depending on how you position and lock your feet (and your body) you can also do Spanish squats, Russian twists, and all sorts of sit-ups

*Remember, sit-ups in high numbers may cause lower back injury. To truly train your core, there should be a mix of planks, toes-to-bar, twist movements, and loaded carries.

Start Today If You Want To Reap Those Nordic Curl Strap Benefits ASAP

The Nordic curl is one of those rite of passage exercises, and the injury-prevention it comes with is more than worth it. Your posterior chain controls knee flexion, and, despite its difficulty, the Nordic curl is one of the best ways to develop it. 

Now, get yourself a strap, find a solid door, and start working towards the Nordic curl strap benefits, whenever you want, wherever you want.

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